Privacy Policy
Sharing information :
We will not provide or sell our customer lists’ information provided by you to third parties, EXCEPT if required by the law or to offer you customer support on your inquiry only if necessary. For some products, it may be necessary for the manufacturer or wholesale distributor to contact you during the sale, installation, or warranty periods.
Cookies & Information :
We only collect information that helps improve our website and your shopping experience. We do NOT store your credit card information. We only use general information provided to help you with any questions or concerns you have about your order or a product. “Cookies” do NOT contain your personal information like: credit cards, etc.
Text Messages :
Please be aware that standard messaging and data rates may apply when inquiring about instant pricing (for select brands only) details or promotional sign-ups via text.
Information Security :
You can shop with confidence. We use the best security available to protect your online information. Our top priority is to ensure domains and security.